Woodhouse Ridge

In 2014 we got involved in the development of a ‘wild orchard’. WRAG (Woodhouse Ridge Action Group) is engaged in a project to reclaim the bottom meadow below Cardboard Hill on Woodhouse Ridge, reintroducing wild flowers, reinstating a hedge which used to border Wood Lane, replanting woodland edge species along the lower edge of Batty’s Wood and establishing an informal orchard of fruit and nut trees suitable for the site.

To download a pdf of the planting plan please click here.

WRAG volunteers had already cleared some of the area. We dug some planting holes.


A couple of weeks later we combined with WRAG volunteers to actually plant the trees and a fruitful hedge.

We were able to try our gazebo out in a woodland setting.


A couple of years on and most of the trees had survived and were growing well. This continues to be the case.

Woodhouse Ridge orchard location