Shire Oak Primary School

Shire Oak Primary School: the children already have an interest in trees and the environment. We prepared the beds in the late summer 2010 with a view to planting trees and soft fruit in the autumn when the new school year was under way.

In October children in Year 5 planted some trees, some strawberries and some bulbs.


In spring 2013 we erected a fence and poles for another set of apple cordons so that both sides of the path down to the school are bordered with fruit trees.  By 2014 the cordons were bearing fruit. Since then we have done some maintenance  and the children have done some. They’ve also been studying the fruit and eating it.


Varieties planted

Bush trees:        Plum  ‘Marjories’ Seedling’
Cherry ‘Stella’

Fan trained Cherry:    ‘Early Rivers’
Pear (espalier )          ‘Williams Bon Cretien’

Cordon Apples:    ‘Egremont Russet’
‘Red Falstaff’


Location of this orchard

Wood Lane, Headingley, Leeds LS6 2DT